Latest NewsKajsa and Nilla in Ronneby!
10 August, 2013 True connection! While I was at the hospital with our newborn baby boy, Kajsa and Nilla did it brilliantly at the Int KC show in Ronneby and won BOS and BOB veteran! Judge Pirjo Aaltonen, Finland. Warmest thank you Nilla for...
Kajsa BIS-1 veteran and BIG-4 in Köping
20 July, 2013 What a day in Köping! This was less than a week before our little baby boy came... Warmest Thank you to judges and to helpful friends! You made my day! Breed judge Natalja Skalin BIS veteran judge Colm Hastings Group 9 judge Ramune...
Int KC show inTvååker
13 July, 2013 Sunny day in Tvååker! First time out in veteran class... Kajsa "Fossella Icing On The Cake" my fabulous girl wins BOS and also BOB veteran! This at the Int KC show in Tvååker. Thank you to judge Maureen Byrne, Ireland.
Anders moves to Switzerland and becomes Andy!
6 July, 2013
Happy Birthday Kajsa!
4 July, 2013 Today is our dear Kajsa´s birthday! Can´t believe that it´s eight years ago since she was born... so happy and grateful that Bodil let me have this most lovely girl!
Kajsa #1 halfway through the season…
3 July 2013 Halfway through the season and I'm SO proud of Kajsa doing so well! It´s my fault though that it might be tough to keep it up all way through the year... Thinking of our baby boy that soon is coming 😉 On top of this Kajsa is also still on the KC list of...
Norma 3rd BEST IN SHOW puppy!
30 June, 2013 My sweet baby girl Norma "Art Made Hollywood Frame Of Mind" ♥ Winning 3rd BEST IN SHOW puppy at the All Breed KC show in Borås! Warmest Thank you to breed judge Gunilla Albrigtsen and BIS-puppy judge Robert A. Indeglia! Kajsa my beauty...
Summer greeting
20 June, 2013 "Norma" Art Made Hollywood Frame Of Mind