Latest NewsLina BIS puppy
15 November, 2013 Norma´s great win last sunday got me to remember another happy day at the same show.... 27 years ago! And yes it´s me in the left picture In the right picture is Lina with BIS judge K-G Fredricson.
Norma wins BEST IN SHOW -3
10 November, 2013 What a happy day! Norma "Art Made Hollywood Frame Of Mind" won BEST IN SHOW -3 out of nearly 1000 puppies at the KC puppy show in Malmö! So grateful and happy for this little princess ♥ Warmest thank you to breed and group judge Åsa Andersson and BIS...
Andy finish 2x Junior champion!
10 November, 2013 Today lovely Andy finished his 2nd Junior Champion Titel in Germany, VDH Junior Champion and won Junior Winner Karlsruhe! On top of this he also won another Junior BOB. All this at the age of only 11 months! So proud of this young man...
Happy B-day Pralinen!
5 November, 2013 Hip hip Hurray! Our dearest Pralinen 3 years old today ♥ Daughter of handsome Panda from Camelle in Finland and our own sweetheart Bianca!
Norma shows off in Best Bitch!
1 November, 2013 Out of 68 Shih Tzus, at the INT KC show in Växjö, our princess Norma "Art Made Hollywood Frame Of Mind" was magnificent and won the Junior class and BB-4. Our queen Kajsa "Fossella Icing On The Cake" was as always solid as a rock and won the Champion...
He did it again!
6 October,2013 Andy in Slovenia! This weekend "Andy" won 2 CAC´s in one weekend! This time in Koper, Slovenia. He is now only one CAC short to become Slovenian Junior Champion and this at the age of only 10 months! Super well done Marion and Andy! You two are the...
Shining results in a rainy Sofiero!
15 September, 2013 What a fabulous day!!! At the KC show in Sofiero it was so rainy and wet but still Kajsa "Fossella Icing On The Cake", my beautiful lady, won Best Of Breed! Specially proud of Norma "Art Made Hollywood Frame Of Mind" just turned 9 months,...
What a debut!
8 September, 2013 Lovely news from Switzerland! This weekend it was time for "Andy" to have his debut both with Marion and in junior class. He did it superbly and won 2x CAC and was 3rd BEST IN SHOW Junior, All Breeds, AND BIS junior at the...