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Norma BOB in Tvååker day 1!!!

Norma BOB in Tvååker day 1!!!

11 July, 2014 What a superb day at the INT KC show in Tvååker!   Norma, my sweet princess, "Art Made Hollywood Frame Of Mind" Best Of Breed AND Kajsa my dear queen, "Fossella Icing On The Cake" 2nd Best Bitch!   So sooooo proud of my girls!  Warmest thanks to judge...

Kajsa Norduch in Drammen!

Kajsa Norduch in Drammen!

31 May, 2014 WOW what a day we had in Drammen in Norway! My beauty Kajsa "Fossella Icing On The Cake" won BOB w CAC/CACIB and thereby NORD UCH at her first try! <3 Charlottes´s handsome Kummin "Popeyes Kumkum won BOS CAC/CACIB and thereby NORD UCH AND C.I.B at his...

T HE success in Hässleholm

T HE success in Hässleholm

18 May, 2014 Wooow! What a great day!  Our princess Norma winning Best Bitch -3 with CAC/rCACIB and our queen Kajsa winning BEST OF BREED, BOB-veteran and BEST IN SHOW-veteran!!! And the group finals in pouring rain..... All this at the KC INT show in Hässleholm!...

Norma CAC winner in Roskilde!

Norma CAC winner in Roskilde!

11 May, 2014   Roskilde day 2 - Norma! While Kajsa were home sleeping on the couch today Norma, our youngster, was once again in the spotlight! Second day at the Int KC show in Roskilde, Denmark "Art Made Hollywood Frame Of Mind" won BB-2 AND CAC!!! ♥ Only beaten...

Great day in Roskilde, Denmark

Great day in Roskilde, Denmark

10 May, 2014 Roskilde day 1 - My beautiful girls! Today at the Int KC show in Roskilde, Denmark, my youngster Norma "Art Made Hollywood Frame Of Mind" won her class and was BB-3, only beaten by a her "sis" Kajsa "Fossella Icing On The Cake" and a champion girl, and...