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My Dog day 2

My Dog day 2

4 January, 2015 We did make it to MyDog day 2, KC INT show in Gothenburg 🙂  AND both my girls was absolutely brilliant <3 Norma, SEJV-13 KBHV-14 rWW-14 SEUCH DKUCH "Art Made Hollywood Frame Of Mind" just two years old, made her debut in Champion Class and won 2nd...

HUND 2014, THE end of the year!

HUND 2014, THE end of the year!

14 December, 2014 A brilliant ending to a fantastic year! Today at the Swedish Winner show in Stockholm my girls did it again! Kajsa ”Fossella Icing On The Cake” won BOB, SEV-14 and SEVV-14 AND young Norma ”Art Made Hollywood Frame Of Mind” won BB-3, R-CACIB, CAC and...

Happy B-day Bianca

Happy B-day Bianca

6 December, 2014 Hipp hipp hurray! Today it´s Bianca´s day! ♥ ♥ ♥

Hipp hipp hurray Norma!

Hipp hipp hurray Norma!

1 December, 2014 Wish Norma and her sisters and brother a wonderful birthday!   

Super wins at Växjö INT

Super wins at Växjö INT

1 November, 2014 WOOOOOOW! What A Day!!! ♥ Out of 72 Shih Tzus, young Norma "SE JV-13 KBHV-14 Art Made Hollywood Frame Of Mind" won BEST OF BREED And Shortlisted in Group 9, judge Maret Kärdi/Göran Bodegård and as if this wasn´t enough Kajsa "Fossella icing On The...

Linda and Pay  ♥

Linda and Pay ♥

9 Oktober, 2014 Thank you Anita Berggren for this lovely pic you sent me! ♥ A very young version of me with Pågarnas Pay Attention winning "Up to 13" in Höganäs 1983, judge Bodil Fossenius. Both me and Pay was 7 years old at this show!