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Hope you will enjoy to read more about what happens in our life with dogs!
Norma ♥

Norma ♥

1 April, 2015 Wish you a lovely evening with a pic of my heart Norma! ♥

Magical ending with Kajsa ♥

Magical ending with Kajsa ♥

29 March, 2015 Thank you all who made Kajsa´s last show an amazing day to remember! ♥ Of course a very emotional day... ♥ filled with love for my dear Kajsa that now will enjoy her old day ♥

Everything has an ending…

Everything has an ending…

15 March, 2015 Everything has an ending... two weeks me and Kajsa will have our last golden moment in the show ring together! ♥ Of course with lots of tears in my eyes... but after an absolutely amazing carrier I think Kajsa deserves to be retired and remembered...

Almost 20 years ago…..

Almost 20 years ago…..

15 February, 2015 I can´t believe it´s almost 20 years ago since I had my first own Shih Tzu litter ♥ 12 February 1996, three perfect girls was born and I remember it as it was yesterday..... Mother to the babies was my own beautiful Olivia ”Rosaril The Temptress”...

#1 AND #2 Top Winning Shih Tzu in Sweden!

#1 AND #2 Top Winning Shih Tzu in Sweden!

10 jan, 2015 Absolutely AMAZING!!! #1 AND #2 Top Winning Shih Tzu in Sweden! Queen Kajsa ”Fossella Icing On The Cake” defending her #1 win from last year as well as her #1 Top Winning Veteran! AND Princess Norma ”Art Made Hollywood Frame Of Mind”, I MEAN first year in...