Mar 15, 2015
15 March, 2015 Everything has an ending… …in two weeks me and Kajsa will have our last golden moment in the show ring together! ♥ Of course with lots of tears in my eyes… but after an absolutely amazing carrier I think Kajsa deserves to be retired...
Feb 15, 2015
15 February, 2015 I can´t believe it´s almost 20 years ago since I had my first own Shih Tzu litter ♥ 12 February 1996, three perfect girls was born and I remember it as it was yesterday….. Mother to the babies was my own beautiful Olivia ”Rosaril The Temptress”...
Jan 10, 2015
10 jan, 2015 Absolutely AMAZING!!! #1 AND #2 Top Winning Shih Tzu in Sweden! Queen Kajsa ”Fossella Icing On The Cake” defending her #1 win from last year as well as her #1 Top Winning Veteran! AND Princess Norma ”Art Made Hollywood Frame Of Mind”, I MEAN first year in...
Jan 4, 2015
4 January, 2015 We did make it to MyDog day 2, KC INT show in Gothenburg 🙂 AND both my girls was absolutely brilliant <3 Norma, SEJV-13 KBHV-14 rWW-14 SEUCH DKUCH “Art Made Hollywood Frame Of Mind” just two years old, made her debut in Champion Class...