19 February
What an amazing weekend in Finland with dear friends!
Thank you Sari and Kati for everything!!! <3
As always my babies makes me so proud and happy! <3
Result at the Finnish Specialty Club show,
Norma won Best Bitch -1, CC & Finnish Champion & Marilyn won Best Of Breed Junior!!!
Sonja, first time competing in Children w dogs, and was #1 in her class <3
Marilyn´s handsome brother ”Pauli” won rCC. The beautiful daddies, Wilho Best Male -3 & Sheldon Best Male -4.
Warmest thank you to judge Eunice Stephenson!
Norma ”Ch Art Made Hollywood Frame Of Mind”
Marilyn ”Art Made Marilyn Monroe”
Pauli ”Art Made Paul Newman”
Sheldon ”Ch Thaisu Made For Camelle”
Wilho ” Ch Besamano’s Follow Mee Guys”
Photos from the show by Jaana Valonenn – thank you!